Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Fair is in town

and I thought it would be fun to go scope it out with a couple of my old roommates and my sister. I was right. It was a blast! There was food, fun and sunshine... who could ask for more? Nevermind that one of my roommates kept commenting on the stink of the animals (regardless of whether their owners were near) and was too terrified to get within five feet of them (the animals, not the owners). Or that our other roommate fell asleep halfway through our visit.
Those things couldn't put a damper on such an awesome day. Watching my roommates snarf down funnel cakes and deep fried Oreos, guzzle root beer from a huge tin cup and climb on every unguarded tractor for a picture kept me smiling all day.

I had heard...

that this town had its criminals and shady areas and what not. But when one of my younger roommates came home from school and told me about the death threat she'd received at lunch I was appalled. Kids are getting violent younger and younger these days.

What an Elefun

is really designed to do is put people to sleep. Perfect, in my case. You see, since childhood an Elefun has been... well... an elefun for the first twenty minutes of the battery's life. The rest of the time the fan is so weak it can't blow the little paper butterflies all the way up the elephant's long trunk. Unless you give it several or more long minutes to do so. That means you end up texting, blogging or napping between butterflies emerging. It feels like a waste of time, but my roommate is adament that we bond in this way. Gotta go-- here comes another one!

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's cooled down lately,

which makes it the perfect time of year to start going to parks and such in the mornings. For a little R&R, you know? So I went with a couple of my roommates this morning. We hung out on the playground for a little bit, had some snacks and drinks, walked by the dog park and played in the sand with our shoes off. It was me, my most talkative roommate and my least talkative roommate. My less talkative roommate doesn't get out much, so it was amazing that we got her to go with us in the first place. She's pretty shy, too, but very nice once you get to know her.
Anyway, my more loquacious roommate was trying to be funny or something while we were in the sand... because she poured a huge handful of sand over the quiet roommate's head. I stared in shock for a moment before I started helping her clean it off. To my surprise she took it really well. She didn't get upset or sad at all. She just patiently waited for me to brush it off her head and face and continued about her business. I learn so much from these kids it's amazing.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New roommates

always take some getting used to. One of my roommates drove us to institute and then to Walmart. On the way back we got lost, so we were still wandering around when it got late. On the way into our neighborhood she couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm so tired. I'll just go to sleep now. I'm gonna close my eyes, so tell me if we go off-road."
A moment passes and we drift to the side of the road.
"Is she serious?" I think to myself.
"Aaagh! Why didn't you tell me?! *sigh* Don't tell anyone about this, ok?"
What? That you almost just killed us? I think I'll take my old roommates that couldn't drive if their lives depended on it. Even if it means driving them any and everywhere they need to go.