Monday, September 19, 2011

It's cooled down lately,

which makes it the perfect time of year to start going to parks and such in the mornings. For a little R&R, you know? So I went with a couple of my roommates this morning. We hung out on the playground for a little bit, had some snacks and drinks, walked by the dog park and played in the sand with our shoes off. It was me, my most talkative roommate and my least talkative roommate. My less talkative roommate doesn't get out much, so it was amazing that we got her to go with us in the first place. She's pretty shy, too, but very nice once you get to know her.
Anyway, my more loquacious roommate was trying to be funny or something while we were in the sand... because she poured a huge handful of sand over the quiet roommate's head. I stared in shock for a moment before I started helping her clean it off. To my surprise she took it really well. She didn't get upset or sad at all. She just patiently waited for me to brush it off her head and face and continued about her business. I learn so much from these kids it's amazing.

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