Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm kinda fat,

and I guess a couple of my roommates could use a couple more workouts and fewer treats. My sister lives in town, and she asked me to do P90X with her. My two tubby roommates were interested in joining us, and we gladly welcomed the company. It's always easier to diet and workout with buddies. Anyway. We started today, and I woke up early to do my workout. I ate breakfast and was in the process of rinsing some breakfast dishes when my one roommate began her workout (the other roommate is going out of town in the nearish future and said he'd start once he gets back). Not long after, I heard the P90X guy encouraging her to engage all her muscles (it's Core Synergistics day). "I don't have any muscles to engage!" she'd shouted back at him. Later I heard her call him a showoff. Day 1 is going well.

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